Pick Me

Friday, March 30, 2007


what to post about??

did i tell u people that i got demerited a few days ago.
i had to go to BBI.
whats BBI?
its Bilik Bina Insan.
nothing else to call it huh.
i got demerited for not wearing kolar pin.
i guess it was kinda good also lah..cause i was feeling like a goody-goody all week..
u know?

i never thought of myself as a robinson crusoe or shakespeare person...
btw..its the 6th time in the past two years that i returned the book late...

today..there wasnt any teacher.
so we ate chips more and nanonano in class.
and we talked about baskin robbins and haagen dazzs and famous amos.
yeah. i know we suck.

this 'lil' boy is nicholas ng. he is 13 yrs old.
this handsome generous boy helped me to clean my church bag and sort out my sermon notes.
i know it doesnt sound like much...but u dont know whats rubbish till you see my church bag..
this boy is veryvery nice
PS.he blackmailed me to write this


Anonymous said...

hello laura..

v nice post. LOL.. he blackmailed u eh?? somehow i believe u.. =)


Laura C. said...

hehehe..of course he blackmailed me..
im not that nice u know...

Laura C. said...

oi..you took the pictures yourself..hehe..
and since when was i meticulous??

Anonymous said...

hiesh.. and i thought you guys actually had some sense.

laura, is your bag really that... dotdotdot??

n hope u feel better soon!!!! will pray for you... =)
