what to post about??
did i tell u people that i got demerited a few days ago.
i had to go to BBI.
whats BBI?
its Bilik Bina Insan.
nothing else to call it huh.
i got demerited for not wearing kolar pin.
i guess it was kinda good also lah..cause i was feeling like a goody-goody all week..
u know?
i never thought of myself as a robinson crusoe or shakespeare person...
btw..its the 6th time in the past two years that i returned the book late...
today..there wasnt any teacher.
so we ate chips more and nanonano in class.
and we talked about baskin robbins and haagen dazzs and famous amos.
yeah. i know we suck.
this handsome generous boy helped me to clean my church bag and sort out my sermon notes.
i know it doesnt sound like much...but u dont know whats rubbish till you see my church bag..
this boy is veryvery nice
PS.he blackmailed me to write this