Pick Me

Monday, November 16, 2009

my dad watches tv with no sound -_-

seriously, go to mylifeisaverage.com okayokayokay?


that day, in school, we had planned for the form 3's to watch a movie. we made them watch G.I Joe. i realize, i hate form 3's. most of them lah. they are ridiculously immature, and got some perpetual face problem and i seriously worry about the future generation.

but don't worry, some form 3's i know, really are human :) and i like them.

this weekend, was kinda boring.

but we bought dresses!
out of 9, we picked 3.

there was one really sexy dress that looked expensive, and unique and wahh :) but we didn't buy it. ah well.

good luck for spm nerdo and afro :)

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