Pick Me

Thursday, August 14, 2008

simply because I am on fire.

trials are over :D
it actually means you should be freaking out about PMR right about now la.
mmf but i'm going to procrastinate and waste my time away.

geo and maths today was ok la :D
but maths paper 1 was like, so, no time lerh.

i studied till like, really late yesterday.
try 2 a.m.
i thought tuition was a waste of time la.

so, i'm actually bloody tired right now.

and amazingly, i am going to school tomorrow.
like a couple of hours are gonna make a difference.

its like, studying right?
might as well do it in school.
and do you realize that exams are an awesome time to sleep.
everyones so quiet :D
except when Pn. Suhaila's around la.

enough sleep talk.

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