Pick Me

Monday, August 11, 2008

isn't it messed up, how i'm just dying to be here.

no tuition today!
phwoar. I'm free to study my own nonsense by myself :)
but just somehow I'm here. mm.
(someone drag me awayy)

i'm gonna tell myself i'm gonna study. at maybe, 4.
but then i won't i know it.
i should just run away.

so, exams today.
wasn't bad.
charmaine can go blind at this point.
don't read!

bm2 was oklah. it sucks, but i like my ringkasan. and hey, Mr.Bryan Ch'ng said peleraian was coming out, anddd it did.
so, yay him.
tho, i had NO idea what Meniti Kaca was about.

bm1 was freakin hard.
sejarah ar. mmmfmfmff (strangles self)

suddenly ridiculously nostalgic about youth camp. eeeee.

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