sigh. i wish people knew what was good for them, then again, if i were in their position, i wonder if i'd know how to control myself either. even thinking about it now makes my brain itchy.
why is the line between what's right and what's wrong such a thin and subjective one?
we like to rationalize. that's why. even though it's bad, we think, it's not THAT bad, i'm not hurting anybody. and whatever's good is too boring, and too traditional.
well, you can struggle with it all you want, but it shows what kind of person you are, with such little integrity.
y u so noob!?
makes me think that dependable people are getting extinct, and the one i have, i won't let go. because some things are more important than looks, money, or charm.
i've had a slew of crazy dreams again over the past few days, the same kinds of dreams i always have, lost in the middle of some old uncivilized area, being chased by people, and shamefully, clothes that i can't afford. i wonder though, is there some deep metaphorical meaning to all this, or my brain has problems with it's images at night.
can you believe exam is next week! already have to think about missing out on two parties on the weekend, eh? what's this? i have to sacrifice which one now? study?
oh how faaaaabulous.
bye. :)
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