Pick Me

Sunday, March 27, 2011


busy busy weekends :) 

anyway, i'm sorry i ignore people who asked about my results. it's here, on this blog. which i know not everyone reads, so that's why it's here. 

sigh. i know i also don't like i don't care about everyone's results when i actually do. it's never in my nature to go and dig the living truth out of your soul kinda busybody, but when i do know or find out from somebody else i am actually very interested :)

i suppose i'm kiasu, but why not? not like your results matter anyway. ptuh.

but for goodness sake, i don't know how people are content with mediocrity. and act like they DIDN'T KNOW that not studying hard will get you bad results.


worse is when parents are rewarding their stupid so called "achievement". man. 

okay i was actually in a good mood till i was writing this so this is where it ends :)

i can't wait for wedding pictures! :D

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