Pick Me

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

move it.

i'm back :D

what do you think?
i thought it was great :)

er, alot of things have changed though, and its hard to not get depressed about it.
guess you just gotta move on.

ah headache.
my head's gonna drop off.

what did i get out of it?
a better sense of self, a new obsession with the word NOOB,free peanut butter and blistered baby toes.


and i think everyone put on weight lah.
come on, breakfast, brunch, lunch, tea, dinner AND supper?

pigs la we.

and i remembered yesterday.
cause i was at my that auntie's house lah.

and, when we go back to school, we're going to get our results back.
now, isn't that such a shot-in-the-brain-kick-in-the-nuts kind of feeling when you think about it?

yeah. i know.

and homework!
wth right?

oo, my com just made the 'toot' sound like it does when it's going to hang and die on you, but surprisingly, it didnt.


i want to upload i am a gummy bear onto facebook.
yes i miss facebook!

i am officially guy neutral.
*big smile*

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