Pick Me

Saturday, July 14, 2007

duck walk.

doing ohp was fun today.
i get to press buttons and stuff.
lotsa errors though.
and i was kinda late also...
i was also kinda freaked out about the thing lah..
cos...first time..
i scared i would mess up and jam the com or something.
but still fun.
less work.
chewie was being..himself..
felt like taking his expensive looking guitar and slamming him with it.

i was watching national geographic today...
and...i found out that Australia's coastline is home to many of the most poisonous creatures on earth!
Sarah i hope u get stung by a box jellyfish or by a cone snail.
no i dont lah..
im actually kinda worried.
who knows where the hell Perth is?

non quality photo taken by janice.
long time ago..
u can hardly see our faces.

1 comment:

chewie™ said...

haha it's expensive. not expensive looking k! wow, be myself! chewie's style! the best of the best! no copy cats and plagarism! sorry crap so much, got stressed up so much in coll so wan to have some fun!