Pick Me

Sunday, March 11, 2012

better than before.

things i should probably do after stpm is over. 

(i've learned my lesson, and won't waste time (but happily) like i did after spm)

  1. learn a new language (or two) - CHINESE.
  2. get fitter - jog! a lot! tone up. get a gym membership?
  3. get a clue - learn something that makes me go nuts, like shares, taxes and investments
  4. sharpen skills - finally learn illustrator, improve on photoshop, dance classes?, sports :)
  5. grow spiritually - read the entire bible!, join s.o.m, join ee
  6. read - reread the whole series of narnia, hp, percy jackson - get started on all my other books!
  7. get a job! and more than one!
  8. pending :D

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