Pick Me

Friday, August 20, 2010


hello :)

i wonder why blogs have died down so much recently.

i mean, besides my own social circle and links, overall, most blogs have been left for dead, with a post every few months that say "GAWD THIS BLOG IS SO DEAD I KNOW, I WANT TO THANK MY READERS WHO ARE STILL LOYAL TO ME I PROMISE I WILL CONTINUE POSTING" or rubbish like that. and then you leave it there, to collect cyber-mould that your
"loyal readers" have to see and think 'what a douche'.

i suppose there are many valid reasons why that happens.

  • people are busy!
i would think you're such a moron if you update e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y and about what can you update about everyday? your cat, your outing with your friends, you think your hair is ugly, you need to buy more clothes, you hate so and so, you are depressed....

people have exams, or assignments, or er, are busy, with uh, bejeweled or monopoly deal okay. unless you want them to blog about that too. (ugh)

  • you think people don't read your blog
so then you get self-pityful and you don't want to waste the infinite amount of internet space with your apparently boring thoughts, and you think nobody cares.

might be true. a reason to have a blog is to let people know what you've got to say, if you're quite sure your blog's not a hit, you might as well talk to your cat. or your pillow. or record it on your phone to play it back to yourself. or your mother. (don't tell your mother.)

it's your fault anyway. for being so boring. or having a white layout with neon green words.

  • you run out of what to post about
this is rubbish. YOU CAN POST ABOUT ANYTHING. that isn't mean lah.
the weather, school, your friends, your cat, how you nearly got into an accident, how accident prone you are, how accident free your friend is, how much your phone bill costs, that snail you saw today, that pimple you saw on your toe, global warming...

its just if you're original or opinionated enough, or interesting enough. or even witty enough.
see, a normal person would write "i don't like cats"
but a witty person would say, "i REALLY don't like cats"

haha. that's not what witty means. don't mind me.

  • change begets change.
the less often other people blog, the less often you will blog too. subconscious or not, it's true. you are less motivated by un-updated blogs.

i also realize more than 3/4 bloggers are girls. because we are annoying, have a lot to say, and like to post pictures. guys are boring.

today, was a good day.

after my supposed break, the daunt of add maths paper 2 came upon me.
i suddenly realized the opportunity i had to revise more add maths the days before.
i didn't regret that i didn't study, i regret choosing to not study. you faham?

well, i enjoy studying late at night. really. i'm not being sarcastic. i focus more, and i waste less time because i want to sleep! esp. now when it rains at night. it's like God is accompanying me.

so my add maths paper was the best ever :D i haven't done so well (i think) in it before. i finished the whole thing. in time.

i did not freak out and sweat and bite my pen and stare at my watch or spend more time with the liquid paper than with actual equations, and i didn't look at su-ann or panda with contempt.
hee :)



oh and i want to show you something!

this is what photoshop can do.
the one on the left looks like michael jackson. i know.

i basically changed what the world perceives of as pretty.
a thin face, light eyes, small nose, pouty lips, bigger boobs.
the browner hair is just for me ;)

creepy huh.

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