Pick Me

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

if you want me to go to prom with you, you have to pay for me :)

5 days to go!

add maths was do-able, but still makes your heart go fast, sweat alot and nose go runny. bio was like okay, till the photosynthesis part which just left me blank, and there were alot of those questions mannn. and then chemistryyyy ahhh, i also dunno what i crap out lah.

supposed to study now, but that running nose comes with a headache and brain malfunction soooo :D alah just a small break, its just est tmr...and eeehh :D :D its raining now (nao) so i can go and stare it lah now.

arsenal drew with az just so you know. i didnt watch cause the delayed game was at 6.30 am.
last time, everytime got a champions league match, i will skip school. but takkan i skip exam today right?

and the schedule was so screwed up today anyway.

and i like how my class can still be so funny though its exams.

and PFFFT weren't you annoyed with all the noise coming from everywhere? there the form 3 announcements thing and then all that babbling from the afternoon sessions, and while stereotyping forms below us as bimbos thing is wrong, they certainly dont know how to give a good impression. grr.

ciao :) see you guys nearer to the weekend....

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