Pick Me

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

slow it down, slow down.

cupcakes :)
there were a total of 11 cupcakes. guess who i gave the other 5 to...
i love switchfoot :D

hello and happy evelyn's birthday!

busy, tired, sleepy.

anyway. i'm just on for like a while, i wanna know my cardiff game results (stupid game show at 3.30 am), and adeline wanted me to see those rings her whoever gave her for valentines.
i jealous lorh.
you morons.

i got my mssd events adi.
and i think i'll die.
i know most of you are sick of hearing abt this olahraga crap.
but i'm so worried.
i suck at everything.

oh thank God we beat cardiff 4-0....
baby eduardo is back!
and guess what? his debut saw him scoring 2 goals :)

this is laura. and this is clement. the better of the yaps. haha!

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