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Saturday, January 16, 2021

One of a kind

Soo we're here at MCO 2.0 again in 2021 and welp did we just feel like we lost a year or hWaTttt

I'm just gonna say my piece about Covid 19 and vaccines and conspiracy theories haha because i love conspiracy theories because i like to think of all the possibilities out there and how much we dont know what we dont know, so as much as some of it might come as a crazy as people who not only believe the earth is flat but are also passionate in defending it, i think we cannot be so basic as to believe that there might be zero evil sinister agenda ongoing?

i've done some kindergarten level research on this so of course i am expert - not only did i not google any of this but just happen to stumble upon links hahah 

So, the craziest theory out there being that the pandemic was pre-planned as biological warfare as a tool for Big Brother to create a conformist society and something out of a Bond movie where they're trying to create war to profit from it like via vaccines, and one day create the case for the need for biometric tracking and whatnot. Some go to as far as saying the vaccines can alter DNA and make us easier to control, or be something like a kill switch where they can commit mass genocide 

To me, these go hand-in-hand with any other crazy big brother theories out there like my other favorite conspiracy theory of the Illuminati and the entertainment industry i.e. mysterious deaths and what not

Its crazy, but i dont think its impossible. 

Am i writing signs and protesting out there physically or virtually? you bet not.

Am i gonna stop supporting mass media, capitalism and governments? you bet not.

Am i going to refuse taking the vaccine? you bet not.

Soooo let's say its all true and the world will head into a George Orwell 1984 state and the laypeople who take the vaccine are now mind-controlled by the government which didnt take the vaccine or took the real vaccine, and those refusing to take the vaccine will be shunned by society and not allowed access to basic rights etc.

Would i blame myself or my community for our ignorance? YOU BET NOT.

I have peace of mind. In the end, these are man made schemes, and i believe in God, who is a higher being and is not only above it all, but i have faith that He will find ways to use their evil plan for His greater good. That being said, we should all be on our guard and ask God for wisdom on not just what to do, but how to do it, for the sake of others and eternity.

I guess its tough being in the Christian community, to say the truth no matter how much it contradicts with what is out there. I feel like i can't even say anything about abortion, homosexuality, trump, etc and even writing this line is difficult (not really now because nobody reads this) 

Deep down, i do wish life would get back to its normal cycle you know, i want to get married and grow old, go for more parties, concerts, holidays with friends and family but if the new normal is none of these then its time we get less attached to the things of the world. When, though, is the question

Ok i feel these are several points that sound unrelated but what to do my brain is like this

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