Pick Me

Monday, October 20, 2008

nothing lasts forever, but be honest babe.

i had a dream that there were 2 serial killers consisting of morticia adams and a giant squid the size of a football field.
they killed me too.

yeah yeah PMR's over and all that.
yeah I'm happy and free.
sure :D

don't feel like much of a difference lar.
i see all your blogs and its like, WHOA PMR'S OVER!

fine, i'll update people on what i thought abt the papers.
bm was !!!! hard.
paper 2 kononnya plot. what idiots.
science wasn't that bad.
paper 2 was ok.

(skips english & math cause it was peas)

sejarah was. OK.
kh was easy. dont know i spend so much time on it.
geo was..ok as well.

wanted to go out.
but then lazy LAR, so stayed at charmaine's house with scott and the sims. hee.

at night, at prayer meet, aski, joyce and johanna came.
can't tell you how happy i was :D

then aski and i followed jamie to una's house.
slept over.
watched a lil bit of mamma mia! and then got bored. haha!
went online and talked abt well. everyone. hehe.

went to morning prayer, and then to futsal at usj 20 with around..20 people. hee.

and i ain't bad at it :D
might even go again next week.

dance practice was better than last week.
i can actually do the whole 2 choruses edi!

stayed at una's house for the second night.
her house like a hotel like that la lol.
watched the arsenal game with ryan and una's dad.
arsenal won 3-1.
with all my beloved players, nasri, v.persie and walcott scoring.

well. chelsea, liv and man u won also.

so, i loved my weekend.

and now, doing absolutely nothing :D

sweaty, smelly, and happy :)

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